Organic Autumn Winter Outfield Fertiliser

SKU: outfield-3-12-12
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To strengthen sward for autumn/winter use. (3-12-12)

Can be used for any grass area from sports fields to fine lawns.

While this fast acting spreadable compound fertiliser with 2-3mm uniform granule size, is commonly used during the cooler autumn/winter months, it can be used all year round should you need or require a lower nitrogen mix.

Applying to grass areas in the autumn and winter is very important, as it helps strengthen the grass while also offering pre-stress conditioning. It can also help to reduce the threat of disease, moss & weeds by encouraging a denser sward.

  • Response to application can normally be seen within 7 days.
  • Granule dispersal/breakdown takes around 4-5 days.
  • High levels of Phosphate\Potash to help encourage growth and root development.
  • Balanced Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and potassium (NPK) to strengthen turf.
  • Even growth, strength and colour over the surface, helping to prevent unsightly patches.
Application Tips
  • When applying, ensure you get even application/coverage by using a mechanical spreader, set at the correct settings.
  • Avoid mowing for around a week either side of the application.

Application rate: 70g/sq. m. (2oz/sq. yd.)
Coverage: 285 sq.m @ 70g per metre

Application Months:
Autumn: September, October, November.
Winter: December, January, February.

Packaged Weight: 20kg